Keeping your employees upbeat and motivated is the way to office efficiency. You’ll discover several tips and thoughts concerning how to make your team happy, but one of the easiest is to design your workplace in a way that influences workers to feel comfortable and propelled toward goals.
Creating a definite productive and rousing office experience that gives employees some additional enthusiasm in their work can be troublesome, particularly since people have numerous assessments about their work environment. However, there are a couple of basic approaches to spruce things up that everybody in your office will appreciate.
Here are some effective tips on how to make your office experience better:
Office furniture: What is that one thing that bothers you the most at your workplace? Is it the location or the people within? Office furniture ranks extremely high on employee wish lists. And, everyone wishes to have that perfect cosy ambience to work, but with a good furniture in furnished offices, you can expect to see more happy faces at work.
Some employees also think that the lesser the seating options at work, the healthier will the people be. Diseases and health risks related to heart, cancer, and obesity comes with prolonged hours of work at one position. It is the same reason why convertible standing desks and exercise balls seats are some of the trends many offices are adopting. Standing at a desk for a total of two hours, throughout the day make employees less drained at the end of the day. Office furniture has a larger influence on men’s productivity than on women’s. And, 37% of employees want nicer and more comfortable office furniture. Better designed office layouts boosts work output up to 21%.
Office lighting: Lighting plays a major role in creating a positive office environment. About 68% of employees complain about their offices’ lighting. Our cortisol levels drop significantly under artificial or poor lighting conditions. Increasing lighting levels produces greater employee satisfaction. But after adequate lighting for tasks is achieved, increased lighting hardly helps in increasing work satisfaction. Windows are the number one determining the factor of worker satisfaction levels. Poor lighting at workplace results in strained eyes and a claustrophobic atmosphere, which does not go down well with most employees.

(Lighting plays a major role in making the office approachable and creates a positive environment.)
Office décor: Pop-office styles attract a lot of talent. The rate of turning up for interviews and work gets higher if the office décor is astonishing. Whether it is a wall art or inspiring quotes in beautiful calligraphy, or even maybe a creative use of brand (logos, alphabet); employees will be motivated to work under these conditions. Similarly, offices with live green plants have higher employees satisfaction rates overall. Employees who spend at least few minutes a day amidst nature have increase attention span and productiveness is up by 21%.
Office temperature: It happens at every workplace – where one individual’s shuddering in a jacket while a close-by associate is sitting in total comfort. The reason behind this is the office temperature. Every office these days has centralized air conditioning, but most often its status is faulty. Thus, leaving the uneven temperature at different parts of the work floor. Right around 33% of workers lose profitability since they aren’t happy with the temperatures in their workplaces. The truth of the matter is temperature influences individuals contrastingly on account of various components, including sexual orientation, apparel, and metabolic rate. Raising the workplace temperature from 20 deg. to 25 deg. expands an employee’s output yield by 150%. In U.S. alone organizations lose about $15B every year on representatives re-setting the workplace temperature.
Office physical space and design: Layout matters, whether it is a home workstation or an actual office. Employees have their own opinion on which is the most stress-inducing office layout. About 35% of people think combined offices have the most stressed atmosphere. Next in order are shared offices, medium open plan, office cubicles, and small open plan with 27%, 25%, 16%, and 12% respectively.
Another factor that counts in office design is the clear lines of sight. It fosters teamwork, especially in tech or creative environments. An open space design works in favour of employees. In fact, whether it is established companies like Facebook or Google, or any growing startup; everybody is trying out the open space layout as it brings in a sense of community among co-workers, enhances collaboration, and improves communication. Open floors are great for asking support and exchanging ideas and offers a perfect ambience to learn new skills from other people as opposed to closed-office layouts. An office that fosters face-to-face communication has greater employee satisfaction, on the other hand, office with high-walled cubicles creates the lowest employee satisfaction.

(Offices with open layout has high retention and motivation levels.)
Office colour schemes: Office colour also has a role in workers’ happiness. Improper and unpleasant colour combination inside offices can lead to headaches, eyestrain, and fatigue. For a focus-intensive office environment blue, green, and purple are the ideal palettes. Whereas, for a creative office environment yellow, red and orange work the best.