Your place of work is not the same place it used to be a few years ago. Technology has deeply affected the way businesses were managed – from remote working to sharing the information, and virtual conferences to offshore manpower management; it has also in effect the physicality of a traditional set up as well.
About 2/3 of every organization’s team is made up of younger generations, who show up everyday day at work. For them, an office space is not just a physical location of working but more of an active zone; and work is something that can be tackled remotely in any scenario. If you sum this up,
Do you feel like an icy White Walker from “Game of Thrones” while working from your office desk? It seems that your office is too a victim of a problematic air conditioning. It is a hidden world altogether, “Alice’s Wonderland” sorts, and it is true that the majority of workplaces around the globe get affected
Most businessmen don’t realize the need to shift onto a bigger, better office space until it gets too cramped up. Others don’t feel it necessary to get a new office address, despite running high on profits. They will prefer giving remote working options to their team members, than getting a good office space. Some also