A secure workplace is an important aspect any company looks forward to. Next, to the workforce, the infrastructure, network & data, and office properties are other important assets that companies look forward to keeping secure. A standard vigil at the workplace is what companies should focus on. And, the best way to get that is
Trends have a peculiar habit – they keep changing! And, the same goes for workplaces too. Several workplace experts believe that the performance of employees at workplaces, their behaviour, and the office structure, should never be kept constant and frequent changing will help keep the good juices flowing. According to business leaders and human resource
“As a company, if you can get those two things right — having a clear direction on what you are trying to do and bringing in great people who can execute on the stuff — then you can do pretty well.” – Mark Zuckerberg, CEO, Facebook Of all the workplace jargons, ‘love’ is that one
Monday, 23 April 2018 / Published in Blog, Co-working Gurgaon, commercial space, Furnished offices, Real Estate
India is a becoming economically strong, and in the next few years is going to become a great ground for investments. The growing economic rate will be (and, is already) boosting the Indian CRE sector, as MNCs and global tech giants eye Indian consumers. All of them need a well-furnished office space, which means the