That’s a question that every startup founder, enterprise head, and interested parties in commercial real estate buying and selling have in their minds. Do they need more space than their study or living rooms have to offer or just a workable functional work desk? Either of the options suffices their questions. If you’re someone who
Investing in the commercial real estate isn’t that difficult as it seems. And, if you do that smartly, you can get higher returns than other investment instruments like mutual funds. Poor economic growth coupled with high property prices have made people more sceptical about investing in real estate. Does this mean that real estate is
Keeping your employees upbeat and motivated is the way to office efficiency. You’ll discover several tips and thoughts concerning how to make your team happy, but one of the easiest is to design your workplace in a way that influences workers to feel comfortable and propelled toward goals. Creating a definite productive and rousing office
Thursday, 17 May 2018 / Published in Blog, Technology, Uncategorized
The scenario of wasted workplace time is even worse than before. We all have the same 24 hours, 1440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds in a day. It is our actions, however, that makes the difference. Some use them wisely, while others waste it haphazardly. Maybe a Facebook status update here, or a Tweet there, or